100% Valid And Newest–Do not worry about your Apple 9L0-003 exam! Just try Flydumps the latest Apple 9L0-003 exam dumps.The latest new version with all the official new added Apple 9L0-003 questions and answers.High pass rate and money back
You have just completed replacing a logic board in an iMac (Flat Panel) and are reassembling the computer. Which of the following special tools is recommended during this reassembly?
A. CRT discharge tool
B. Torque screwdriver
C. Spring tensioning tool
D. Jumper adjustment tool
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 38
In the component isolation technique, if you do not get a startup chime and/or a flashing question mark, you check the components of the minimal system by _________.
A. Visually inspecting them for damage.
B. Replacing them with known-good parts in any order.
C. Adding more known-good parts in a specified order.
D. Replacing them with known-good parts in specified order.
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