The 9A0-029 Questions & Answers covers all the knowledge points of the real exam. Exam Questions & Answers.We update our product frequently so our customer can always have the latest version of the brain dumps. We provide our customers with the excellent 7×24 hours customer service. We have the most professional expert team to back up our grate quality products. If you still cannot make your decision on purchasing our product, please try our free demo.
Which is necessary to create new data and markup text that will be inserted into an XML or SGML document when a structured FrameMaker document is exported?
A. a read/write rule file
B. an SGML or XML application
C. a special version of FrameMaker
D. an API client created with the FDK
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 2
Which part of the structured FrameMaker application controls how long SGML and FrameMaker element namescan be by default?