All know that our products can help you master Cisco 646-365 Management points, clearly shows that you need a key point in the exam. Learning we offer Cisco 646-365 exam sample questions you will learn better without having to participate in other expensive courses. Since the competitiveness of the IT world has been increased recent years, IT certifications become the basic necessities if you want to have a boost in your career path. Passing Cisco 646-365 exam is treated as the most crucial way to get the Cisco 646-365 certification. The Cisco 646-365 strengthens the employment prospects and opens up myriads of opportunities for them. FLYDUMPS Cisco 646-365 exam sample questions provide the useful information about the Cisco 646-365 exam.
Which three are major trends that fuel the demand for routing and switching? (Choose three.)
A. Mobility
B. Video
C. Bandwidth optimization
D. Cloud
E. IT standardization
Correct Answer: ABD
Which two statements best describe the challenges that customers have to face when providing services in a borderless world? (Choose two.)
A. How do you control energy consumption of devices that are owned by employees?