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Which address type does the IPv6 address FF05:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 specify?
A. unspecified
B. aggregable global unicast
C. link local
D. site local unicast
E. multicast
Correct Answer: E Section: (none) Explanation
Explanation: All IPv6 multicast addresses start with the first 8 bits of the address set to 1. Thus all multicast addresses start with the hexadecimal notation FF (1111 1111). The multicast range is as follows: FF00::/8 FFFF::/8 The second octet, following to the first octet of FF, identifies both the scope and the lifetime of the multicast address. In this way, IPv6 has millions of group multicast addresses to use in current and emerging technologies. Reference: CCNP Self-Study CCNP BSCI Exam Certification Guide p.112
In IS-IS routing, which level is used to route between different areas within the same domain?
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