At present, there are a number of 3Com 3M0-700 available online for every IT professional. Flydumps 3Com 3M0-700 exam sample questions prepare you for success with the kind of questions you could expect in the real Cisco 700-602 Recertification. These real 3Com 3M0-700 questions and answers are a great tool for you to have a go with how well you are prepared before your final attempt at the 3Com 3M0-700 certification exam. Flydumps has been seen that students are feeling quite at home in presence of 3Com 3M0-700 questions as they provide them a chance to take a sigh of relief and they need not to spend hours in their studies for the 3Com 3M0-700. A great number of candidates for Exam have already been benefited themselves with the amazing 3Com 3M0-700 exam sample questions.
Which five are correct steps to be performed when installing NBX pcXset on a computer? (Choose five.)
A. Select country and language
B. Test audio and microphone settings
C. Enter the pcXset CD Key when prompted
D. Configure the MAC and IP address of the NCP associated with pcXset
E. Install the pcXset Telephony Adapter Card in the multimedia computer that will run pcXset
F. Confirm adequate software pcXset licensing on the associated NBX Communication System
G. In NetSet under the System Settings check the Auto Discover Telephones box and click OK
H. In NetSet under the System Settings check the Auto Discover pcXset Telephones box and click OK
Correct Answer: ABDFG
Which four are NBX Call Report (CDR) configuration options for an NBX system? (Choose four.)
A. Default setting is Disabled
B. Scramble the last digits for security
C. Determine if trunk-to-trunk calls are recorded
D. Choose how often a new tracking file will be created
E. Select what data fieldswill be tracked, for example, time of call, length, etc.