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The 300-075 dumps study guides have been playing a more and more important role in candidates’ studying life, it save much time for people avoid to attend the course. Our https://www.pass4itsure.com/300-075.html also include many simulation exercises questions. The simulation exercises questions are combined into the Implementing Cisco IP Telephony and Video, Part 2 (CIPTV2) answers of our 300-075 pdf guides. We promise you that you will get the success deffinately so long as you work hard with our 300-075 certification study materials.

Implementing Cisco IP Telephony and Video, Part 2 (CIPTV2) Braindumps Test

Exam Code: 300-075 (2016 Version)
Exam Name: Implementing Cisco IP Telephony and Video, Part 2 (CIPTV2)
The more you practise the 300-075 dumps, the better mark you can achieve.
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The command-line utility asr can scan ________.
A. info.plist files on .dmg files
B. uncompressed .cdr.img files
C. read/write and read-only .dmg files
D. read-only or compressed .dmg files

Correct Answer: D
You have 30 student computers with Apple Remote Desktop enabled. Which of these actions can you perform on all the computers at the same time using Apple Remote Desktop Admin?
A. Control the mouse pointers.
B. Perform a live software restore.
C. Download a file to the admin computer.
D. Upload and run a custom installation package.

Correct Answer: D
Performing an Apple Software Restore image scan on a disk image creates a new checksum for the image so that ________.
A. an image can be used by ASR as a source
B. ASR can verify that the .rc file has been updated for restore
C. file copy restores will occur at the speed of block copy restores
D. block copy restores will occur at five times the speed of file copy restores

Correct Answer: A
What convention does Apple recommend for generating a unique package identifier?
A. DNS convention or your company’s domain with the package name at the beginning (Example: mypackage.apple.com)
B. mixed java convention or your company’s domain name with the package name at the end (Example: apple.com.mypackage)
C. mixed DNS convention or your company’s domain name in reverse with the package name at the beginning (Example: mypackage.com.apple)
D. java package name convention or your company’s domain name in reverse with the package name at the end (Example: com.apple.mypackage)

Correct Answer: D
You need to install Mac OS X v10.4 simultaneously on multiple computers from an ASR image using a strictly network-based solution. How do you accomplish this?
A. Start up the computers from a diskless NetBoot image, then use ASR multicast to restore the volumes.
B. Start up the computers from a non-diskless NetBoot image, then use ASR multicast to restore the volumes.
C. Start up the computers from the ASR image using NetBoot services, then select Restore Target Volume when prompted.
D. Start up the computers from the target volumes, then use the command-line utility asr to restore the target volumes from the ASR multicast image.

Correct Answer: A
You plan to restore the volumes on more than 200 computers that run Mac OS X v10.4 and bind to Active Directory for authentication. Rather than use the single computer name assigned by Active Directory on every computer, you want to give each computer a unique computer name. Before creating the image, you first unbind your master image computer (model) while keeping the search paths configured. What is your next step?
A. Create a restore image for each of the computers you will be restoring.
B. Include a sharingnames.txt file in the disk image for ASR to use when creating unique computer names.
C. Include dsconfigad as a startup item for the image to create a new and unique binding for the computer.
D. Update the Active Directory schema to create a new and unique computer for each restored volume based on the ASR RID (restore ID).

Correct Answer: C
You have configured Mac OS X Server v10.4 to provide Software Update services to systems on your network. Using this service allows you to ________.
A. deliver Mac OS X restore images over a network using multicast
B. deploy custom installation packages to Mac OS X systems on a regular basis
C. gather system software information from remote Mac OS X systems before updating
D. stage and validate updates to Mac OS X before providing them to users on the network

Correct Answer: D
In which location does Mac OS X Server store packages on a Network Install disk image?
A. /Library/NetBoot/Packages
B. /Library/Installation/Packages
C. /System/Installation/Packages
D. /System/Library/Installation/CDIS

Correct Answer: C
What tool do you use in Mac OS X v10.4 to restore a target volume from an multicasted ASR source image?
A. Disk Utility
B. System Image Utility
C. the command line utility asr
D. Restore Target Volume in NetBoot services

Correct Answer: C
In Server Admin, you can choose to deliver a NetBoot image with the ciskless option selected. This feature is used to ________.
A. create a virtual pool of NetBoot images to balance the client load
B. allow restoration of a target volume while started up from the NetBoot volume
C. ensure that items saved to ~/Documents are located on a network home folder
D. ensure better performance of the client computer by caching the NetBoot image

Correct Answer: B

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