The Apple 9L0-206 certification can make you a competent person. It may enable a technician to know about the Apple configurations, get information about the Apple 9L0-206 data center products and hardware and knowledge about Apple 9L0-206 united computing systems.
Exam A
What tool does the service manual recommend you use to separate plastics and lift components of PowerBook and iBook computers?
A. Nylon probe tool
B. Jeweler screwdriver
C. Flatblade screwdriver
D. Precision needle nose pliers
Correct Answer: A
Which TWO of the following are true statements about screws inside a PowerBook or iBook?
A. All screws are interchangeable.
B. It is not necessary to replace all screws after a repair.
C. Screws should alwaysbe only comfortably tightened.