Flydumps is the best place for preparing IT Certifications as we are providing latest and guaranteed questions for all certifications. We offer you the ultimate preparation resource of Apple 9L0-010 exam question. Wondering what could be this effective? It is our training material which serves as a guide to achieving your dream as a certified professional.
When replacing a MacBook Air (Late 2010) embedded battery, it is acceptable to flex or twist the battery pack to aid in removal.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 12
How should you handle an embedded battery once it has been removed from a Mac Book Air (Late 2010)? SELECT TWO:
A. By the edges.
B. Use both hands.
C. Grasping the cells packs.
D. Compressing the top and bottom.
E. Use either needle-nose pliers or metal tongs.
Correct Answer: AB QUESTION 13
If the embedded battery with exposed cell packs from a MacBook Air (Late 2010) is dropped during service, it should alwaysbe replaced.
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