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Review all FLYDUMPS Cisco 640-460 exam sample questions carefully, we guarantee you wiil pass the Cisco 640-460 exam for you first attempt and get the Cisco 640-460 Certification successed. The only thing you need to do just is memorizing all the FLYDUMPS Cisco 640-460 exam questions and answers. There are number of IT certifications popular today, on account of their market potential in the field of Information technology. Cisco 640-460 exam is one of these popular certifications which remain the preference of all IT professionals who want to improve their career opportunities.
Please match the description to the signaling type it corresponds to. (1)events that occur on the trunk, including seizure, wink, and answer (2)tones such as ringing or busy and announcements such as “no longer in service” (3)digits dialed or called party number that can be sstem-specific or variant-specific (I) Address Signaling (II)Supervisory Signaling (III)Informational Signaling
A. (I)-(3);(II)-(2);(III)-(1)
B. (I)-(1);(II)-(2);(III)-(3)
C. (I)-(3);(II)-(1);(III)-(2) PassGuide.com-Make You Succeed To Pass IT Exams PassGuide 640-460
D. (I)-(1);(II)-(3);(III)-(2)
Correct Answer: C
Which ephone-dn type does the picture represent?
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