Best online DP-201 pdf and practice test set to prepare for Microsoft DP-201

Please note that the Microsoft DP-201 exam question model is constantly changing. It is difficult to pass the exam without the latest information. It is recommended to take the practical exam of Pass4itsure. If you like it, click DP-201 pdf (practice test) Updated: Sep 02, 2020.

DP-201 pdf | DP-201 pdf dumps | DP-201 practice test |Microsoft DP-201 practice question | Microsoft DP-201 exam question

[2020] Microsoft DP-201 free certification exam material | topics


  • Design Azure data storage solutions (40-45%)
  • Design data processing solutions (25-30%)
  • Design for data security and compliance (25-30%)

Official practice test for Designing an Azure Data Solution

Microsoft DP-201 free certification exam material:

Microsoft DP-201 practice test set of Pass4itsure

Pass4itsure Features

Go to Microsoft Azure Data Engineer Associate DP-201 exam practice test

You are designing a solution that will use Azure Table storage. The solution will log records in the following entity.

pass4cert dp-201 exam questions-q1

You are evaluating which partition key to use based on the following two scenarios:

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