This Pass4itsure 600-509 dumps tests a candidate’s ability to use the programmability of an open infrastructure to develop and deploy business applications. It also tests how well the candidate can build an application with API capabilities to collect information from the network when needed.
Exam Code: 600-509
Exam Name: Integrating Business Applications with Network Programmability
Updated: Jun 09, 2017
Q&As: 112
Exam Information:
Exam Number
Pass4itsure 600-509 NPIBA
Associated Certifications
Cisco Business Application Engineer Specialist
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Pass4itsure Latest and Most Accurate Cisco 600-509 Dumps Exam Q&As
You are administering aWebLogicdomain that consists of an Administration server and a cluster that consists of two Managed Servers, namedserverAandserverB, respectively. These servers are distributed between two machines,machineAandmachineB. The Administration server andserverAare onmachineA andserverBis onmachineB. Local and remote clients are complaining about sluggish performance. Which of the following could help improve network performance in this cluster?