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Review all FLYDUMPS Adobe 9A0-019 exam sample questions carefully, we guarantee you wiil pass the Adobe 9A0-019 exam for you first attempt and get the Cisco Certification successed. The only thing you need to do just is memorizing all the FLYDUMPS Adobe 9A0-019 exam questions and answers. There are number of IT certifications popular today, on account of their market potential in the field of Information technology. EXIN Adobe 9A0-019 exam is one of these popular certifications which remain the preference of all IT professionals who want to improve their career opportunities.
You have placed 12 TIFF files that have embedded color space profiles in a folder. You want to apply in
action to all of the files that runs WITHOUT interruption or supervision.
What should you do?
A. drag the folder onto the name of the action in the Actions palette.
B. Choose File>Automate>Batch and select Log Errors to File from the Errors pull-down menu
C. Choose File>Automate>Batch and select Suppress Color Profile Warnings from the Source menu
D. Choose File>Automate>Creaate Dropet command and select Override Action “Open” Commands from the Play menu
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 71
You want to dock two palettes together so they can be moved as one. What should you do?
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